Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let the WampServer Manage Your Version of Apache, PHP and MySQL

I believe some of us will customize some web application that bound with certain Apache, PHP and MySQL version, and as a developer you will need to change the version to fit the requirement of your current application because the template of the application has already been customized with some certain version. It's quite difficult to manage the version if you don't have such a good tools.

I suggest you to utilize the extended function of WampServer Version 2.2. It has some menu that enable you to change the version of Apache, PHP and MySQL easily. It will redirect you to the WampServer website to make you able to download another version of the Apache, PHP and MySQL. After downloading and installation the software, you will get the specified software version as you want.

So, just go to this link :, then download and install WampServer Version 2.2. After doing this, just click the Icon seated in the tray icon, choose the Apache or PHP or MySQL, then move to Version, then click Get More..... You will be redirected to the wampserver website and from this site, you can choose many version of the softwares to fit your current application.

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