Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let the WampServer Manage Your Version of Apache, PHP and MySQL

I believe some of us will customize some web application that bound with certain Apache, PHP and MySQL version, and as a developer you will need to change the version to fit the requirement of your current application because the template of the application has already been customized with some certain version. It's quite difficult to manage the version if you don't have such a good tools.

I suggest you to utilize the extended function of WampServer Version 2.2. It has some menu that enable you to change the version of Apache, PHP and MySQL easily. It will redirect you to the WampServer website to make you able to download another version of the Apache, PHP and MySQL. After downloading and installation the software, you will get the specified software version as you want.

So, just go to this link :, then download and install WampServer Version 2.2. After doing this, just click the Icon seated in the tray icon, choose the Apache or PHP or MySQL, then move to Version, then click Get More..... You will be redirected to the wampserver website and from this site, you can choose many version of the softwares to fit your current application.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get Rid of Password Protected PDF File

Sometimes we need to copy or print some part of password protected PDF document. But the truth is nothing can be done before you remove the password of the document. There are some software, freeware actually, that can be used for coping this problem. The software is named "PDF Unlocker", and you can download it by going to the following link:

Just download the software and install it at your computer. Normally, the process of unlocking the password is quite simple step. After installation of this software, it will put a shortcut into your desktop. Next step is you just drag and drop into the shortcut, then the software will create the copy of your pdf file at the same directory and of course this copied file is the free password version one.

Happy surfing and have a nice day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

No Second Chance to Make The Same Mistake

Do you get some bad result for the thing you have done in the past time? Something that is coming for the first time in your life might be making you feeling uncertainty on how to deal with it. Confuse feeling is the antic thing that could causing you to make a mistake since it's the first one coming to your life. Let the bad outcome get close to you, because it's normal for the people that don't have such an experience.

The good thing that one should learn for the mistake they had done is don't get caught in the same hole, means don't make yourself re-involve to the same problem in future. I always try to speak to myself for several time, as something bad happened to me because of some decision that I have been taken. I speak to myself again and again to not taking same worse decision in the future. It's like self talking. I guarantee you, if you do the self talking to yourself once the worse thing has been happened, you will be aware of the mistake.

One positive attitude should be strengthened in yourself is don't put yourself into the blame, means it is no acceptable reason to make you down when you deal with the same problem in the future, because what I know when I was doing self talking, I was also taking some introspection to myself to apply some other approach  if I deal with the same problem in the future. Of course, we can write down some useful note to our daily book or even make some awesome tag line in the posh it paper, then stick it near your working area. This method will help you someday if you confront again with the same problem.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

FTP Command for Transferring File

Sometimes we need to transferring or copying some files that hosted in some ftp server. The following are step by step on how to do:
1. You should make some text file (ie: script.txt). The following is the example for the content of this file:
cd /files
Note: for massive transfer file you can use command "mget", then replace the file name with some wildcard character (*).
2. In the command prompt, run the following command: ftp -s:script.txt
Note : is the example of your ftp server site.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rising Your Courageous to Tell the True Thing (Wipe Away Your Ignorance)

It's a matter of time to make someone get into the serious trouble when we realize the people we known are doing something wrong in his/her life. This person should be told as urgent as we can, so the worst thing don't happen to him/her in the next days. But can we have such a brave heart to let him/her know what will go further wrong if he/she persist to do the things or has some kind of bad habit? Personally, I really doubt about this thing could be done by us easily.

The truth is something is going wrong with some person, and it needs someone to fix it by telling the person of what is going wrong. Unfortunately the wrong things is happening to the person that we know personally, like closest friend or our family member. In one side we don't want to make him/her get mad with us because we seems to teach him/her about something, but the other side we have already imagined of what could be faced by the person if no correction action done immediately.

Let's put aside our worry if this person will get mad with us because of our point of view about the thing that is go wrong so far. Just go ahead to telling the second opinion that you thought it's more proper for him/her. Don't let him/her do the bad thing again and again without any interception or advice from you as the closest person that he/she knows. You better telling of one thing that is good from the other side, rather than you keep quiet that cause the very worst happen. You will be considered a guilty man if something bad is happening to the person in the future because of your silent action. Even in one religion had put this statement to its holy book, that one could be accused by the Creator, because of his/her careless to let somebody knows about the bad thing could be happened for this mistaken persistence. Even more the religion said in the holy book, that one could be get punishment because of this ignorance to his/her fellow being.

In telling the good thing to one person, sometimes you get rejection of some tough person, even more getting mad from this person. So, the solution is very easy. You should take one or two more nearest friend to this trouble person, then speak up together to this trouble person about the right way to cope his/her problem. We believe by collaborating between some closest friend, hopefully the person could accept our suggestion or opinion, so the case could be closed with win solution to us.

As my closing, let's start to telling the truth or making a correction action to the person that had already done bad thing of taken a wrong decision on some matter. By doing this, we could be considered as absolutely high sensitivity person in our society.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Universe Said That The More You Give, The More You Get

For many years, there is a fake that has prove to us about take and give correlation . The success will be coming to someone, only if he or she has a true spirit to give somebody else without hoping it replied by somebody else even they don't tie in some relation, like family, friend or co-worker if he or she is working.

Some thinker said if you give something that useful for someone, more over that it's valuable to the person and the person desperately need the thing, you will have something that could clean some negative substances that held in your body. It's like throwing some negative energy outside from your body, or it's like you are asking your body to produce a new substances to replace the old blood after you donate it. In other word, we can say that reproduction of blood is happening every time the blood is donated. The advantage of this action is of course we could get new blood that more fresh than the donated one.

Most of us are not realize one important truth that the universe often reply to us the thing that we have done to someone else, directly or  indirectly. It's often like something that happen suddenly to us. We should believe that the God, will pay our goodness someday with abundance of healthiness, happiness, prosperity, and much more. There is nothing that pull outside from you without any replacement to you. It should become something that called 'balance rule'. The balance rule is simply defined as the condition that you have both positivity and negativity, or chinese belief 'yin and yang'. Anything come out from your effort, will be returned to you as result. Of course the best effort will be replied with best result. Contrary, poor effort will give you back a poor result. Another example is good student that eager to study hard, will get the good score for their exams. For you who are working, hard work will get a good compensation and career promotion also.

No matter what the situation you involved, give your best effort for it, then the universe will pay you back on someday. Don't always look at the compensation that you must get for everything you have done until now. It's not a good condition if we always need a pay back for it. If you do it, it's not good if  we aim to build relationship with someone else. It often put our self into the situation that make somebody avoid us for asking our help in the future, and of course it doesn't make the person help us if we need help someday. Even more we can loose friendship with them.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alternative way to Play MOV File That Cannot Output Video

After waisting some valuable time to troubleshooting problem while displaying picture of MOV video file, I got the answer for the problem. The problem is MOV video file can be played with the output of sound, but no picture at all. Starting by searching internet forum, I got some important information that some MOV video file which is made by H.264 video format, cannot be played directly from Quick Time. You can choose some alternative way to get the picture showed in the screen by converting the MOV file format into AVI file format. One of the powerful software to convert the MOV file format into AVI file format is name "Pazera". You can download it from the following link : If the link has broken, you can search it from some search engine, by typing Pazera MOV to AVI freeware.

By converting it into AVI file format, you also have saved some space of your harddisk space. Wish you luck!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Create ODBC Data Source for 32bit Application to be run at Windows 2003 64bit

If you are running application that built by Visual Basic (vb6) and it needs connection to the SQL Server 2005, you cannot at ODBC Data Source from default Data Source Administrator at Control Panel -> Administrative Task. You must know that application build by vb6 is the 32bit application, so you cannot connect your SQL server database with the default ODBC Administrator in Windows 2003 64bit. You need to run the ODBC administrator for 32bit application. Windows 2003 64bit itself, has the 32bit ODBC Administrator. You can run it from the following file : C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. The rest setup process is remain same as usual.